Even though they said they were working on it, Sony still hasn't put Sackboy on the PSN for PSP GO owners worldwide. Thanks Sony.
Below I have an actual transcribed conversation between some higher ups within the company during LBPs PSP launch on Tuesday...
SONY DUDE 1: Sup Dawg? LBP PSP is out in stores... ight?!?
SONY DUDE 2: Word!
SONY DUDE 1: All stores includin' da PSN?!?
SONY DUDE 2: Ohhhhh... Shit dawg! I's forgot dat one YO!
So there we have it. The truth is revealed. I have a feeling that...
A) They just screwed up and forgot to put it on the PSN on launch day. Hell, Ubisoft got that one right with Assassin's Creed when it was launched in stores and on the PSN.
B) They wanted to make retailers happy by letting them have the title exclusive for a short period.
I think it's all the above. In any case it's late but coming. It should be out on tonight's PSN store update.
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