If you haven't heard, even the video game industry isn't immune to bad times. EA is laying off 1,500 jobs across North America. I am laid off myself, not from EA or the game industry mind. However, it provides myself with plenty of free time to pursue different career opportunities and a heck of a lot of time to work on the blog. So here we go!
Last Thursday the PSN was updated with some sweet stuff, especially for PSP owners. Here are my latest purchases with commentary. Enjoy!
GHOSTBUSTERS: THE VIDEO GAME - Featuring the talents of the original films, Ghostbusters: The Video Game was a huge success across all platforms. The PSP edition is a port of the Wii/PS2 versions and guess what the PSP lacks? *DING!* A second analog stick. The developer gets the job done with the analog nub/action buttons method. Still, we all can agree the PSP2 will have a 2nd analog nub for these types of games. Still, the game plays great and its presentation is impressive.
STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT: ELITE SQUADRON - I love the Battlefront series and sorely miss it on consoles. Where the heck is the next generation edition of this franchise? Oh yeah! It was scrapped. *sniff* Luckily, developer Rebellion have some pretty sweet PSP editions of the franchise. Their latest is Elite Squadron. Like GB: The Video Game, it relies on the analog nub/action buttons control method with a couple of different control schemes to help you out. It plays very well and is built from the ground up especially for the portable. If you love Star Wars or just love blowing crap up... You must own this! I can't think of another game where I was doing an entire ground campaign taking down Storm Troopers and tanks. Next, you'd take off in a space ship, blow up a few bad guys on the planet's surface and then fly off into space. We aren't done yet. In space you have some dog fights while landing into a Star Destroyer. Inside, you run along corridors, taking down more Troopers and head to the ship's generator and blow it up. Finally, you run back to your space ship, take off and watch the Star Destroyer explode behind you. Who doesn't wanna play that?
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