Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Third Time's The Charm

I was just poking around the wonderful GIZMODO site and stumbled apon this. Now Samsung has entered the E-Book reader "market". I would have never thought of purchasing one of these things until I played with my father-in-law's Sony edition. They are very nice.

Remember, if you have a PSP. You could always tide yourself over with JPEGBOOK.

Documenting The Awesome

Resistance: Retribution is sick. It's huge, epic and is over flowing with story and game play. Sony just released a whole whack load of mini-documentaries focusing on all aspects of the game's creation. What I love about this title and other high-profile PSP experiences is the "no expense sparred" attitude. If you have a PSP, you have to own this title. It's bitchin'!

PSP Wallpapers - SET 02


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pac-Man and Dig Dug On Facebook

10 bucks?!? Wat up wit dat, yo!?!

Original I thought these downloadable "Facebook" games from Namco were free but "shockingly" they are not. I mean they're pretty limited experience purchases. To get your max value, you have to be logged into the game and Facebook for online rankings and chat. Sounds cool? The games play SLOWWWW... Jitterryyy... Plus, they're 10 bucks a pop. Each.

Shame on you Namco!

Namco All-Stars Pac-Man & Dig Dug

JPEGBOOK Is Da Bomb! ^_^

The PSP can do plenty of sweet things besides gaming. Surf the net. Download podcasts. Look at photos. Listen to satellite radio. That's all great and awesome stuff. I wish Sony would release a future firmware update to allow one to ready text files. Maybe they'll get to it sometime in the future but for now thanks to JPEGBOOK, you can convert any TXT file into readable JPEGS.

Create a directory in your PHOTO folder with the BOOK or TEXT name, run the program and output the content right in that folder. It's a very handy program and very easy to use.

Download JPEGBOOK Right Here!

PSP Wallpapers

This is something I'd like to start here. Create and share a bunch of sweet wallpapers for your PSP. Here are my first attempts.
