Look at him, all happy sitting beside his brand new, awesome TV Game!
Next year the little yellow guy turns 30. Holy crap! Where has the time gone by?
I still remember being a little kid running to the arcade to play Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-man until I dropped. Waking up Saturday morning with a bowl of Pac-Man cereal with my Coleco tabletop beside me as I watched the cartoon series. Oh the glorious memories of being a kid in the 1980's.
To bad we still can't play a game of Pac-Man on the PSP GO. Namco has no interest in the PSP. They released a bunch of fantastic UMD titles from a full fledged Namco Musem, Ridge Racer and Pac-Man World 3. I have no idea why these aren't on the PSN Store to download. What's wrong Namco? Don't you like money? I mean the games are complete, just throw them on the damn store already.
Argh! Rage... Decreasing... Back to the topic.
If you don't have a console or portable video game system and even if you do, the best way to play the arcade classic is with Jakks TV Games Retro Arcade Featuring Pac-Man.
I picked this sweet baby up for 25 bucks at one of my local Canadian Tire's. You get 12 Namco arcade classics. Here's the list -
* Pac-Man
* Galaga
* Pole Position
* Dig-Dug
* Galaxian
* Super Pac-Man
* Xevious
* New Rally X
* Mappy
* Pac-Man Plus
* Bosconian
* Pac & Pal

Sweet, eh? The best part is that awesome arcade stick. You can finally play Pac-Man perfectly, just like the arcade game. Isn't it an adorable little unit? It reminds me of the arcade cabinet.
Yeah, it's pretty cool to write and read about all these great arcade classics. Hell, what's better is actually playing them! Run out and get this kick ass toy! It's the perfect gift for yourself or that special someone who can't get enough of the Pac.
Highly recommended, YO!
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