Friday, August 28, 2009

Curses! You Cute Little Thing!

Interactively Deadly Cute

This is one of those titles I can't believe I'm purchasing and yet after you watch this video, you'll understand why this might be a Holiday 2009 hit for Sony.

Now you see. Damn you cute little pet thing! I wants to play with you now!

It's In The Mail

I did myself a favor and purchased online, a Sports Illustrated subscription/Madden 10 bundle a few weeks ago. It includes a six month subscription to the popular magazine, a John Madden documentary DVD and the stellar sports title as well. I am pleased by my purchase, however I am sadly still awaiting for my game in the mail. *sniff* I hope it arrives before the big Raiders game on September 14th. In the meantime, I enjoy my magazines in all their printed glory.

Edge has a great article on "The Making Of: John Madden Football" for the beloved Sega Genesis. What a sweet trip down memory lane. Now where's my Madden 10 for the PS3. *sniff*

Rockstar Loves The PSP

Rockstar has created some of the best PSP games, period. Their original GTA titles are stellar and The Warriors was ported from the PS2 with perfection.

Next we have Beaterator, a music app hitting UMD and the Network Store September 29th. After that, the very impressive DS title GTA: Chinatown Wars hits the streets and online on October 20th.

I can't wait for both titles, especially Chinatown Wars. That was a great DS title and a beefed up PSP port would sure please.

A Look At The PlayStation Eye

The official Sony Blog updated with a great behind the scenes video hosted by Doc Richard Marks as he discusses the technology of the PS Eye. Awesome! Can't wait to play Tiger Woods 11 with the new motion controller!

It's Alive... ALIVE!!!!

Something strange happened last night during Sony's North American PS Store update. So crazy, that it's content didn't hit until around Noon today. Yikes! I was concerned that it might have been delayed until next Thursday, luckily that was not the case.

The two standouts for myself were the PS1 classics Tomb Raider II and Sim City 2000. Both are great stuff!

Click here to get your official content update.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

This Is Awesome!

Sure the PSPGo Rock Band Unplugged Lite situation leaves me feelin' a little sour, that doesn't mean I'm still not in love with Sony. I hope they jump start their rewards program soon, I'm sure they'll be sending me a whole bunch of awesome stuff from them. ;) I'm not kidding either.

Back to the love, their new marketing strategy for the PS3 price cut is awesome BTW. Great stuff! Enjoy.

Making Lite of It

The Official PlayStation Blog clarified the downloadable Rock Band Unplugged title, shipping with PSPGo's in North America. Titled, Rock Band Unplugged Lite, the game will feature 5 tracks of music(whoopee...) and have access to the network store so one can purchase additional music. Again, whoopee...

So let's see here. You live in Europe and run out to purchase a PSPGo on launch day. You register that puppy within 10 days and SHAZAAM! You get an online voucher to download the COMPLETE VERSION OF GRAN TURISMO FOR FREE. I'm not talking about the PlayStation 1 classic, nope you get the brand new, awesome GT game for free. In North America, we're getting an over exaggerated demo of Rock Band Unplugged.


Friday, August 21, 2009

StuffsRadio Episode 05 - August Edition

Kelley and Tyler discuss GamesCom 2009, in particular the huge Sony announcements. They review The Conduit and Ghostbusters. Finally, District 9 is discussed.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

GamesCon 2009 Tons of Vids!

LittleBigPlanet PSP - Looks awesome! Sadly, multiplayer support has been dropped. However the whole creation process has been retained in a 2D plane. I can't wait for it!

LocoRoco Midnight Carnival - More LocoRoco... Sweet!

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines - This game looks amazing!

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - Look here... First, it's MGS. Second, Kojima Productions is working on the title, including the MGS4 team. Third, most important Hideo Kojima Himself is writing, producing and directing this chapter. Nuff' said.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Holy crap!

PlayStation 3 - The slim is coming out first week in September. It is priced at $299 and all previous models have been reduced to that number as well.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

She's Back In The Latest Store Update

The PlayStation Network Store is updated and one of our fine ladies of gaming has returned once again. The PS1 classic Tomb Raider returns in all it's glory for $9.99! I was curious when we'd start seeing the PS1 Tomb Raider classics on the network once the PSP games arrived. It's nice to see they're arriving sooner rather than later.

Those with PSP's might want to invest the extra 3 bucks and purchase Tomb Raider Anniversary instead. However, If your a fan like me or want to experience the original game that started it all, you can easily now. Hmmm... With all this Tomb Raider stuff going on, I might have to pick up Underworld.

Staying on topic, it appears that there is huge interest in "relaunching" the Tomb Raider movie franchise. Much like the Batman or Hulk flicks, a new creative team/cast would take over and hit the big fat reset button. I'm all for it. I enjoyed the two Angelia Jolie adventures, they were some fun stuff but to go all "Batman Begins" with it. Oh hell yeah!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

John Hughes R.I.P.

I know this is a PSP blog and all but I had to post this. John Hughes died at the early age of 59 from a heart attack. His contributions to Hollywood cinema is substantial. His films include The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, Weird Science, Ferris Beller's Day Off and Plains, Trains & Automobiles. Goodbye John! You will be missed.

A Couple of Screws Loose

Look, I love Sony. I have a PlayStation 1, 2 and 3. I have a VIAO laptop. I have a big ass 1080p Sony Bravia II LCD TV. I have a PSP(several mind you) and I'm purchasing the PSP GO. So if I'm gonna complain about the company's WTF moments, I have legitamite reason too.

Let's go back to the PSP GO. Joystiq is reporting that the GO will come BUNDLED with a VOUCHER for a ROCK BAND UNPLUGGED DEMO. Whoopee! A demo. Can't we just go online the network store and already download that demo? Why do we need a voucher? Aren't there a thousand other demos to download there already without the requirement of a voucher? Hey Sony, if you're going to spend the money to print and package vouchers in with the PSP GO, why not let it be a full game or a network cash card. Boo Sony, Boo! Oh wait... It's an exclusive PSP GO demo. Wow! It's probably got 2 extra songs to play. EXCITING TIMES INDEED! It makes me wanna just go out and buy the PSP-3000 Rock Band Unplugged bundle instead.

Meanwhile, one of my favourite blogs PlayStation LifeStyle is reporting that Microsoft is using LittleBigPlanet music in one of their latest ads. Ah! Isn't that cute? Couldn't they steal somebody else's awesome tunes? Check it out below.

This concludes the "A Couple of Screws Loose" post of the day.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Games Girlz Play

This is a neat PlayStation portal to attract girl gamerz to the PSP platform. The site shows off what the hand held can do, alongside current content offerings. The lilac PSP-3000 certainly looks hot and sexy. With the network store expanding to more smaller, casual fair and applications, that will attract a diverse audience. It's that kind of content that has my wife hooked onto her iTouch. Hopefully, we will see The Secret of Monkey Island and Pac-Man Championship Edition released for the Sony platform as well.

Check out the portal here.

Oh, Yeah There's More To Get October 1st...

It's going to be a major money busting day October 1st. Not only will I be gettin' the GO, but accessories and network titles will be hitting my bank account as well. I'm thinking it'll be a good $400 day. Ouch!

The guys over at Gaming Bits have a list of official accessories that will be released alongside the latest PSP. Get your calculator out and start throwing more into your piggy bank.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cut To The Chase Cast - Episode 02

Kelley discusses the latest PlayStation Network releases alongside recent UMD Legacy titles and their prices.

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