Note: The picture of Elisha Cuthbert is posted in celebration of my favourite next-gen console. It's visually more appealing than a picture of a bunch of fat dudes celebrating the console's birthday.
I have to admit, the PlayStation 3 was the last of the 3 next-gen consoles released that I purchased. The Wii had that controller, Zelda: The Twilight Princess and the Virtual Console. The X-Box 360 had Halo, Gears of War and Arcade Live. The PlayStation 3 launched with a bunch of new IPS from Resistance to Motorstorm. The PS3 didn't win the battle, but in the long run it will win the war.
Today, the console has several fantastic exclusive titles from Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, the Uncharted and PixelJunk franchises. The console was also redesigned, got sexier, dropped in price and gained storage space. Today, is a far cry from it's launch in the cool November weather of 2006.
The greatest compliment. Everyone and I mean "EVERYONE" I know who owns a Wii and PS3... Play and utilize their PlayStation console a hell of a lot more than their Wii's.
Hears to another 3 years Sony! Oh hell... Let's aim for that 10 year system cycle!
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