Sunday, April 18, 2010

Will Trophies Ever Be Added To MGS4?

In the early 1980's, Jack "Big Boss" Snake established Outer Heaven. Located in the region of Galzburg in South Africa, it was a heavily protected fortress. In 1995 his son, Solid Snake would infiltrate the complex and destroy Metal Gear. This would lead to NATO to bomb the fortress, leaving it no more.

So what the hell does this have to do with the photos of Candice Swanepoel? She's a South African supermodel. There ya go. That's the Metal Gear connection. I thought, what the hell? It's so much easier just to throw a boring picture of Snake in this post, but I went for the extra mile for you, the fans and wanted to spice this sucker up! Your welcome.

Let's get on with the post's topic. Will trophies ever be added to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots?

If you don't see them added to the game the day Peace Walker hits store shelves on June 8th, then I wouldn't hold by breath. There is also the possibilty that a mega edition of MGS4 will be released in stores with trophy support. Again, I wouldn't hold my breath for this either.

I know there were special edition releases of all of the console editions of the MGS series, but my gut is just sayin' "no" this time. Why? Well if you look at the previous games, their re-releases were justified. They added all the funtionality of the games releases worldwide, missing elements thrown in the European editions would finaly make there way in the special editions making a complete package. Plus, Kojima and the gang would throw in a bunch of extra awesome crap to round out the package. With MGS4, the whole package was complete. The game was perfect. Nothing needs to be added. Plus, you got Metal Gear Online for free and online support for MGS4 adding neat things to the title for well over a year.

Only time will tell. I'd love trophy support for one of my favourite game's of all time. However, I wouldn't be to shocked if it never happened.

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