Monday, February 22, 2010

Justifing The Medium Once Again... GOWIII Storage! Rarrr!

The downloadable future... Oh the light of it is so brilliant. The "dream" of the interactive medium, to be able to download all your games onto a hard drive and never have to run out and purchase your game at Wal-Mart. Oh yes, the "dream". Then reality smacks you upside the head.

Tweeted from Sony's Santa Monica Director of Technology Tim Moss, God of War III will be filling a dual-layed blu-ray disc with 35gigs of epic greek mythology. Rarrr! I am Kratos the blu-ray God of War! Rarrr!

Imagine downloading that. Hmmm... Yeah, that'd sure be a blast!

I don't mind downloading music and PSP games. However, the size and quality of an HD gaming experience is amazingly huge.

Not only does this continue to justify the blu-ray medium, Hideo Kojima himself commented that even his Metal Gear Solid 4 could barely fit on a dual-layered 50 gig disc. Holy crap!

Also entering my memory, remember when Capcom's Jun Takeuchi revealed that Lost Planet 2 received significant content cuts due to the restrictions of X-Box 360's dvd storage.

Awesome! A fine solution! Content deleted from games due to lack of storage. Somehow this doesn't sit well with me. It's making me even more of a fan of blu-ray.

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