2010 has begun with a whimper on the PlayStation Network Store. Proof can be found here and here. Alas, I was expecting such exciting PSP content as Konami's Metal Gear Acid titles and Namco's own Namco Museum Battle Collection to be released. However, we are negative on that. *sniff*
So I've been catching up on my Final Fantasy titles. The PS1 classics Final Fantasy VIII and Tactics are sitting comfortable within my PSP GO's flash memory. I love both titles, especially VIII. Like VII, I played the crap outta it's sequel. It's been grand re-experiencing Squall's journey. I found the game to be the easiest out of the PS1 Final Fantasy titles, however it's gorgeous graphics, music and story reach it to epic status.
Recently, the last PSN Store update included a few titles on sale for half the price. So for 5 bones I downloaded Crystal Defenders. I love me some tower defense and a Final Fantasy tower defense game is hard to ignore. It's sweet stuff and Square Enix's world and character design are always delicious.
Finally, Die Zombie Die for my PS3 was download for 5 bones as well. Now this game rocks! Wave after wave, after wave, after wave of zombie's are yours to blast away in this awesome arcade like classic. This title is worth the regular 10 dollar price tag. Get it now for 5 bucks! It's worth every penny. Great stuff! Hmmm... Just talking about it makes me want to play some.
Gotta go now!
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