A Blog Dedicated To Sony's PlayStation Line, Apple's iPod Touch & Other Cool Tech Gadgets
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Dimensional Decisions
How do they do that?
With the announcements that Clash of The Titans and the final Harry Potter flicks are being converted to 3-D from 2-D, I was curious how it was accomplished. Well a few of it's secrets have been revealed.
Slate Magazine has a fascinating look at the process. Very interesting stuff indeed.
Hmmm... Makes me wonder when the entire 6 chapter 3-D Star Wars saga will debut in theatres.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Stop the press! Stop all of them!
Rockstar Games has just announced that Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City will hit not only the PlayStation 3 on March 30th, but for Windows PCs as well. This is awesome news!
I had this fear for the longest time that Microsoft struck gold and locked those games for the X-Box 360 for all eternity. Not the case!
March is gonna be crazy for PlayStation 3 owners!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
200th Post! - God of War III Release Date
Congratulations to me! My 200th post! I think that's pretty amazing for myself considering this blog didn't start to long ago. Too celebrate, I think I'll go have a cookie. ;) Please check out the blog's content. You'll find a huge amount of articles, a few podcasts and a video review. Enjoy! Now onto the program...
The Official PlayStation Blog has just unveiled the release date for God of War III in North America. Kratos will be conquering your PS3's on Tuesday, March 16th!
Excitement exploding to levels beyond comprehension!
I just recently replayed the original God of War's I and II in glorious HD. I fell in love with the series once again. What grand epic stuff it is! Now I'll have to replay the PSP game as well.
Can't wait!
Heavy Rain Is Less Than One Month Away
Sony and Quantic Dream are gonna deliver an amazing experience with Heavy Rain, due out February 23rd in North America. Every bit of video that shows off this title is simply gorgeous. I hope it does extremely well and paves the way for a new genre of gaming. One we haven't seen since Shenmue.
Below is a newly released trailer, comprised of all in game action. It simply looks stunning, even in all it's compressed video glory.
More 3-D? Bring It On!
Years before Avatar's release, writer/producer/director/"king of the world" James Cameron would mention in interviews that 3-D films had to happen to get people's butts back in cinema seats. It looks like he was right. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas nor Peter Jackson couldn't even come close to bypassing Cameron's Titanic for domestic and worldwide box office. It took Cameron himself and the latest 3-D technology to do so. In under 2 months, Avatar became the highest grossing film world wide.
With such success, so very quickly, no wonder why Warner Bros. have decided to release the upcoming Clash of The Titans in 3-D. Not only that, the final two Harry Potter flicks will be released in 3-D as well. You can get whole scoop here.
Bring it on baby! I don't think every film should be in 3-D, like Citizen Kane or Close Encounters of The Third Kind. However, I can't see why big blockbuster action or event flicks can't be in 3-D. I'm still crossing my fingers that Guillermo del Toro's Hobbit films will be in 3-D.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
iPad Unveiling
I can't wait to hold one of these in my hands. You really can't appreciate what Apple designs until you get a hold of their products in your hands. The iPad succeeds in providing a personal, portable computing device with access to all the apps that have been designed for the iTouch. Essentially, it is a much bigger iTouch.
The iPad launches in North America at the end of March. Two different editions of the device will be released. The Wi-Fi only enabled iPad will launch first followed shortly by a Wi-Fi plus 3G edition. Pricing in the United States are as follows -
Wi-Fi Only Models
16GB - $499
32GB - $599
64GB - $699
Wi-Fi Plus 3G Models
16GB - $629
32GB - $729
64GB - $829
Hardware Specs -
Height - 9.56 inches
Width - 7.47 inches
Depth - 0.5 inches
Weight - 1.5 pounds
Accessories include an SD Card reader and the most important thing, a dock with a full working keyboard. The dock/keyboard accessory also folds together like a book, protecting the iPad screen.
I love the hardware design of the machine, how light in weight it is. The screen is just the perfect size providing a beautiful viewing experience while making it much more portable than originally expected. It will use the iPhone/iTouch operating system and SDK. These are all positive.
The price is good. I don't like the sizes of the internal flash memory. The $499 model which attracts me. However, it only has 16 GB of memory. I wish the entry level iPad was at least 32 GB.
Still, I'm lovin' it! I can't wait to see them in action.
BTW, MadTV was way ahead of it's time...
Only A Few Hours To Go...
Only a few hours to go as we await for Apple's conference and the unveiling of their new product. Excitement has risen to massive levels.
What will it be?
An iToaster? An iRooster? An iMe? An iBee?
We'll have to wait and see. ;)
GOWII Almost Hit The PS3
God of War III will arrive on store shelves in less than 2 months in North America. Like everyone else, I am pumped up! The God of War franchise is as awesome as you get. It's epic production, story, characters and game play perfection make each release an event. It's exciting to finally see Kratos adventures in HD. However, it may not have taken this long.
Shuhei Yoshida, Sony Computer Entertainment’s Senior Vice President of Product Development, is interviewed in the March issue of Game Informer Magazine. In it he reveals that the PS2 title God of War II, was almost shut down and then converted to the PS3. Yoshida decided against it in the end commenting, "...I saw an opportunity for the Santa Monica team to complete their vision for the second game on a platform they totally understood. That was my argument and the company and team supported it..."
I'm a huge supporter of that decision. Yet, Sony learned plenty from the launch of the PlayStation 3.
Not only was it horribly over priced, it didn't even launch with one recognizable franchise that made the company what it was. Next time, maybe they'll launch a console with a Gran Turismo or Uncharted title. Better yet, launch with a God of War exclusive.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Apple Pump Up
Time to get pumped up! Tomorrow is the big day as Apple unveils it's latest and greatest product(tablet) to the world. It still remains a mystery what it will be(tablet). Good old Uncle Steve assures us that it'll be the most important product launch in Apple's history(tablet).
I'll be watching the conference tomorrow and will be writing a follow up.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Jakks Pacific TV Games Retro Arcade Pac-Man Video Review
Exciting times on the blog indeed! Since I have plenty of spare time on my hands, I figured I'd start producing video reviews. So let's introduce the first one.
This is a review of Jakks Pacific TV Games Retro Arcade Pac-Man. Enjoy!
This is a review of Jakks Pacific TV Games Retro Arcade Pac-Man. Enjoy!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Download Excitement 2010

2010 has begun with a whimper on the PlayStation Network Store. Proof can be found here and here. Alas, I was expecting such exciting PSP content as Konami's Metal Gear Acid titles and Namco's own Namco Museum Battle Collection to be released. However, we are negative on that. *sniff*
So I've been catching up on my Final Fantasy titles. The PS1 classics Final Fantasy VIII and Tactics are sitting comfortable within my PSP GO's flash memory. I love both titles, especially VIII. Like VII, I played the crap outta it's sequel. It's been grand re-experiencing Squall's journey. I found the game to be the easiest out of the PS1 Final Fantasy titles, however it's gorgeous graphics, music and story reach it to epic status.
Recently, the last PSN Store update included a few titles on sale for half the price. So for 5 bones I downloaded Crystal Defenders. I love me some tower defense and a Final Fantasy tower defense game is hard to ignore. It's sweet stuff and Square Enix's world and character design are always delicious.
Finally, Die Zombie Die for my PS3 was download for 5 bones as well. Now this game rocks! Wave after wave, after wave, after wave of zombie's are yours to blast away in this awesome arcade like classic. This title is worth the regular 10 dollar price tag. Get it now for 5 bucks! It's worth every penny. Great stuff! Hmmm... Just talking about it makes me want to play some.
Gotta go now!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wow! Gran Turismo 5!
Here's a look at Gran Turismo 5's "Data Logger Visualization" feature.
To quote Stan Lee...
Nuff' said!
To quote Stan Lee...
Nuff' said!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
FF XIII... Ain't It Beautiful?

Wow! What can I say?
Final Fantasy XIII appears to be the most gorgeous video game on the planet. Every new trailer or preview blows my mind with its majestic imagery.
The anticipation continues as a brand new "International Trailer" was just released. It features the English voice cast and Leona Lewis's lovely song "My Hands".
I can't wait for this game. Only 2 months to go!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sony's 3D Train Be Rollin'

Sony is currently the world's leader in pushing 3D tech into people's home. They've even created a wonderful website to help document their progress. Check out Sony Global's 3D World for all their dimension busting adventures.
Staying on topic, Sony has made a deal with the Fifa organization to broadcast promo's, highlights and maybe even full World Cup games in... You guessed it!
Exciting times indeed!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Bioware Delays Star Wars Until 2011

Announced during E3 2009, superstar Canuck video game developer Bioware are in the process of developing a brand new Star Wars MMO.
Entitled Star Wars: The Old Republic, gamers will be able to bust a cap "Jedi" style in a pirate's ass. Sadly yesterday, Bioware announced that the title won't ship until spring 2011.
I've been keeping my eye on the video game development world for ages. So, let me make a crazy prediction...
The game will not ship until FALL 2011.
TA DA! We shall see.
Sony and Raimi Say, "Goodbye!"

Film director Sam Raimi and Sony Pictures have decided to call it quits on their attempt to make Spider-Man 4 a reality. The two parties couldn't see eye to eye and decided best to move on.
I felt Raimi did incredible work on his Spider-Man Trilogy. However, many people felt disappointed with Spider-Man 3. I personally loved the flick, but there were moments in it you could feel the creative well beginning to dry up a bit.
After the film's release, Raimi even admitted his displeasure with some of the film's creative side. He wanted to make Spider-Man 4 a reality so that he could have one last great entry in the series.
I think this is for the best. Spider-Man 4 would have been released in 2011, Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker just exited high school and is attending university. Maguire turns 36 in 2011. Yeah, the age thing is hard to cover up. Plus, it would have been 4 years since the last flick. Time sure fly's by.
Everyone is moving on now. Sony has just announced the series will have a reboot, returning Parker and friends to high school for new Spidey adventures. Hooray!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Get'em While Their Hot! MPT Discontinued!

As a kid growing up, Mario was king. As I got older, Zelda took the reigns. During the GameCube era, I fell in love with Samus and her kick ass space adventures. Today, she still remains my queen of Nintendo gaming.
4 months ago, Nintendo and Retro Studios released the Metroid Prime Trilogy. A compilation of all the GameCube and Wii entries. Presented in 16x9 and the first two Cube titles, redone with Wii controls. It's awesome and you should own it.
If you're going to pick it up, do it fast! 1UP is reporting that the collection has been discontinued. Nooo!!!! Not my poor gal! This is a great collection that any gamer should own. So, happy hunting. They're going to be harder and harder to find.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
JC's Avatar Is Now The 2nd Biggest Flick... Ever!

James Cameron's Avatar is now the 2nd highest grossing movie of all time. That's not too bad considering it's only been in theatres for three weeks.
According to Box Office Mojo, Jim's mega epic as of right now has made a grand total of $1,131,752,464 worldwide beating out The Return of The King's grand total of $1,119,110,941.
Once again. The film has only been in theatres for 3 weeks. Wow! Let's see if it'll beat out Jim's own Titanic for the #1 spot. Exciting times indeed!
CRISIS UPDATE! BREAKING NEWS! My information was incorrect! It only took Avatar 20 days to make this amount of bling! 20 days! I was off by one day. So there ya go. Avatar took less than 3 weeks to make over 1 Billion dollars.
Sony's CES 2010 3D Extravaganza

Sony just layed the smackdown(rarrrr!!!!) at CES 2010 with mega 3D support announced(triple rarrrr!!!!). Very cool!
It appears that Taylor Swift has become the new "brand ambassador" for all the sweet Sony stuff hitting stores in 2010. This I approve because she is awesome. Sony will release their first 3D only Blu-Ray player the BDP-S770 to coincide with the release of 3D capable Bravia TV's. PlayStation 3 fans will be happy to know that all they'll require is a firmware update, available later in the year, that will allow them to play 3D Blu-Ray's.
Among a mountain of great products announced for the year, Sony's sexy slim DSC-TX7 digital still camera can capture 1920 x 1080 at 60i HD-VIDEO and output in HDMI. Nice!
Check out Sony's CES site to get the full 411 on all these great products!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
More Metal Slug Is Always Good

February is shaping up to be a great month for the PSP. Not only is Lunar: Silver Star Harmony, Dante's Inferno and Socom: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 hitting our favourite handheld, but another entry in SNK's legendary shooter as well.
The PlayStation Blog is reporting that Metal Glug XX will be out in stores on February 22. Excellent!
Pump Up The Storage

The storage on a single layer, blu-ray disc is 25 GB. In the very near future, this will be increased to 33.4 GB thanks to Sony's and Panasonic's wizardry. This also means that dual Layered discs will be able to store more than 66 GB's per disc.
Sick! Like pump it up!
Check out Nikkei Electronics Asia for the full 411.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
JC's Avatar Makes 1 Billion In 17 Days
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