This week, the PSP was updated with a huge catalog of content. 30 Minute Hero, Smackdown VS Raw 2010 and Fifa Soccer 2010 front line an impressive release of new goodies. The awesome, big news for myself and I'm sure for plenty of other gamers is the newly added Rockstar Games store on the PSN. Every PSP title the company has released is now available online for purchase. So what did I do? A little Rockstar love of course!
Here are my purchases this week -
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - When it comes to 3rd party support, the PSP honestly receives huge amounts of love. One of the best is Rockstar and their titles are so satisfying and polished. This was the 1st GTA game to hit the portable and instead of remaking one of the PS2 GTA's, the company creates an original, full 3-D adventure. You get all the action and addictive radio station fun in this baby with an all new story.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - I love this game! It's a pretty sweet nostalgic trip for me. Vice City Stories takes place in the 1980's in all it's hair metal and Phil Collins glory. Listen to the radio station V-Rock for a damn great time! Radio DJs Uncle Ed and Lazlow are hilarious and the music is sweet!
Grans Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars - I absolutely adored the original Nintendo DS edition of this game. It is great stuff. So how do you make great stuff, better? Put it on the PSP of course with new content, music and kick ass graphics! All of the GTA games for Sony's handheld are ESSENTIAL PURCHASES!
Midnight Club: L.A. Remix - My 1st Midnight Club game it's fun stuff. Great graphics and music of course. Hmm... When has Rockstar never delivered in that department? High speed street racing at it's most intense with the ability to pimp your ride to the max. Sick! It'll sit nicely beside Gran Turismo on your handheld's internal storage.
The Warriors - Oh my! Oh my! Have you ever wished that a video game company would make a modern day Double Dragon brawler that doesn't suck? This is it! You must own this game! This PS2 port is perfect. It controls awesome. The graphics and audio are top notch. This is a steal for $19.99. Warriors... Come out and play!
That's it for this week. Apparently, there are rumnours floating around the net that Sony is promising a huge PSN update next week on October 29th. Exciting times indeed!
Have fun! ^_^
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