2 Days to Go. At work yesterday, my buddy Tyler looks at my PSP-3000 and says, "look at that old, crappy PSP. Isn't time for a new one?". He teases me like crazy. I'm like Eric Cartman in the episode of South Park who asks his friends to freeze him because he can't wait the final 3 weeks for the Nintendo Wii. I want my PSP Go. I want to be frozen and awoken for it's launch. I Can't wait any longer.
The buzz has been incredibly positive for the latest PSP incarnation. Everybody loves the new design, control layout and portability. The PSN delivery of titles is gonna rock. The universal negative, no surprise here, is the price which should be anywhere from $199 to $219 and not the launch for $249. Still, like many others, I will be purchasing one on day one.
Thursday is gonna be a huge day, not just for the PSP Go in general, but for all PSP-1000 to 3000 owners. No matter what system you own, you'll have access to all the new content. The PSN is gonna be updated with a huge selection of UMD Legacy titles such as Gran Turismo, Motor Storm, God of War and Soul Calibur. Original PSP downloadable titles such as Pixel Junk Monsters Deluxe will be released alongside the Minis which include Tetris and Sudoko. There is going to be something for everyone, hardcore and casual gamers alike. I'm excited and yet frightened by the amount of money I'll be spending that day. Crap...
Apparently, my PSP Go purchase is gonna make me sexy like these beautiful folks in the video below. Imagine the parties I'm gonna be invited. WOW!
KOTAKU - PSPgo Review: A Peek Into The Future of Gaming
JOYSTIQ - Review: PSP Go
GIZMODO - PSPgo Review: PSP Goes Nowhere You Haven't
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