Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pac-Man Animated Series DVD Is MIA

A little while ago, it was reported that the 1980's Hanna-Barbera Pac-Man cartoon was finally going to hit DVD in 2011. Now, it's MIA. The latest info has been found out, thanks to The long but not forgotten animated show, featured 2 seasons of adventures alongside a Christmas Special. The show is available to purchase as individual episodes for the X-Box 360, via X-Box Live. Sadly, this is only so in the U.S.A.

I was looking forward to a full DVD with restoration and perhaps some interviews plus, historical retrospectives to make a handsome package. *sigh* As a child of the 80's and a huge Pac-Man fan since his initial arcade release, the animated series on DVD is something I've been wishing for, for a long, long, long, long time. I'm surprised that the WB and Hanna-Barbera didn't jump out with a DVD set, especially with Pac-Man's 30th Anniversary last year. Ms. Pac-Man turns 30 this year, so who knows? Maybe there is still some hope.

Thus, the foreseeable future, it looks like YouTube and other video hosting sites is the only way this piece of video game history can be seen worldwide.

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