Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Quick Impressions of Sony's PSP-3000

October 14th was a crazy day. Not only did I have to vote in the latest Federal Election in "The Great White North", I worked it as well. Working alongside a dozen folks within the news industry, we covered election results live, putting on a hell of a great show on television. It's been busy times but hey, overtime is awesome so I can buy sweet new things like the latest PlayStation Portable update, the PSP-3000.

Before I began my second 12 hour shift in a row, I awoke Tuesday morning to vote. Afterwards, I enjoyed one of those killer Sausage Egg McMuffin's then headed to Best Buy to purchase the Ratchet and Clank bundle which included the latest PSP hardware revision and then finally head off to work for another epic shift. I've only played with my new toy a little bit, so here are a few quick impressions.

The PSP has gone through a slight hardware redesign. It's horizontal sides, where one holds the unit have been slightly curved, providing the user more comfort. The SELECT and START buttons are slightly different in appearance, alongside the HOME button which now features the PlayStation logo.

The huge difference is the already beautiful screen, is now even more impressive. I can't believe it. It's sharp and colorfully vibrant, making this a very easy purchase.

Wrapping it up, I've installed the latest firmware 5.00. You can now access the PlayStation store directly to download demos, videos, music, pictures, themes and purchase games. Having access to the store via your hand held is awesome.

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